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Lightning Page 4
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Page 4
“You tease!” She snaked a determined hand toward his zipper.
“Turnabout is fair play, Lily flower. I have years to make up for.” He grabbed her hand, threading his fingers through hers and stretched her arm over her head again. She nearly wept in frustration.
“This time’s for you. For both of us. I want you writhing. Crying out my name to the sky.”
His breath against her ear ignited another shower of sparks that he immediately captured with a long, slow, mesmerizing kiss, as if taking her errant power into himself and feeding her back current, controlled and tantalizing bit by bit.
“I think that gorgeous neck deserves a tattoo.” He brushed her hair off her shoulder. “So you never forget me again. So you remember you’re mine. Tonight. At least for a little while.”
He swept his mouth across hers, searing her soul. Before she could recover, he ranged a string of possessive kisses across her jaw, over her throat, nipping at her with tiny, playful bites. He caressed her with his tongue, the gentle laps both soothing and lethal as he marked the spot, sucking at her fragile, vulnerable skin. She floated on a cloud of pleasure, all thoughts fleeing. Only gradually did the haze of delight part enough for her consciousness to absorb what he was doing.
“You’re giving me a hickey?” Her laughter spilled into the night. “That is so high school.”
“Might I remind you where we are, baby?”
He released her hands and she wrapped her arms around his neck to draw him back to her. “Do your worst, football hero.”
He inched lower, first toying with her nipples beneath the delicate silk until he’d teased them into hard, erect little peaks. Goddess, she wanted his mouth on her. He delved below her bodice and palmed her breasts, easing each from the confines of the dress. The night breeze whispered over her exposed skin. But only for a moment, as he cradled one swelling curve in his large hand. He nuzzled at the nipple of the other, before he drew it more fully into his mouth.
“Oh, yes.” Her shivery moan whispered between them. “Oh, goddess, yes.”
As if her groan incited and excited him, he sucked with a pull so intense, arrows of pleasure shot lower, desire spiraling into her core, until she became even wetter than before. She wrapped her legs around his hips to get closer to him, nearly whimpering when he held himself back.
“Campbell.” She wove her fingers into his hair, twisting the thick locks, her belly clenching with need. “Give me your cock, baby.” She bucked upward, rubbing her body against his like a cat in heat, trying to shake his steely control and drive him past the point of no return so he’d give her want she wanted, what she needed. Urging him to sate her raging hunger. “I’m ready.”
“Are you?” His words tickled her breast. “Let’s see.”
He slid down her body, the friction nearly making her come out of her skin despite the clothes they wore, then he lifted the hem of her cocktail dress, gliding the fabric up her thighs, teasing her with the brush of cool silk against her hot skin, bunching the garment at the her rib cage. Except for the thin band of material at her waist, she was totally exposed above and below.
He reared back and she sensed his eyes upon her the way his hands and mouth had been. “Beyond imagination.” He sucked in a breath, his voice low and gravelly. “My gorgeous girl.”
“Your gorgeous girl who is totally on fire. And expecting you to do something about it.”
“Your wish, my command.”
He dragged his hands up her legs, caressing her inner thighs, traveling ever higher. Then he bent over her, tracing his mouth along the same path his hands had taken. He brushed his tongue over her heating flesh like an artist painting with fire. Each hot stroke sent blazing darts of lust coiling through her. He slipped one finger inside her, then two, then withdrew them, using the molten desire pouring from her to massage her hot, swollen clitoris. She ached for his touch. Harder. Faster. Deeper. “Campbell!”
But he needed no urging. He replaced his fingers with his mouth and dipped his tongue inside her. Working magic with his lips, he nibbled and sucked, taking her to the edge of rapture. She drowned in sensation. Pleasure washed over her in streams, her entire being centered in the intoxicating bliss between her legs and the man bringing her such magnificent delight. And it was magnificent. Blood raced through her veins, her heart wildly thumping, all conscious thought gone, sapped away by sexual gratification. Small tremors wracked her, growing and growing until she rocked with unholy, unabated joy. So close. So close. More. More. More.
Nothing existed but Campbell. And the utter mind-blowing elation so strong, all sense, all other emotions faded and paled. He brought her higher, still higher, until her eyes nearly crossed beneath the blindfold, and she dug her fingers into his shoulders, his hair, his scalp.
She shattered, transported to another plane of pleasure, a universe of delight too vast and compelling to be withstood even a single second longer. The intense orgasm broke over her, so fierce her heels dug into his shoulder blades, her muscles tight with spasm and liquid with relief.
She quaked with the contractions, drifting somewhere on cloud nine, completely spent, nerveless, brainless, well-used and made of jelly.
Oh. My. Goddess.
Campbell swept Lily into his arms, the delicious taste of her still on his lips, the exotic scent of her blazoned into his skin more thoroughly than the hickey he’d branded her with earlier.
When he’d brought her to orgasm, lightning crackled across the starry night sky, and he nearly came with her. Only with iron control had he managed to drag himself back from the brink.
They were both still all in one piece, as far as he could tell. Although as to the ordering of Lily’s molecules just now, that might be a close call. She burrowed against him, still gasping for breath. He soothed a hand across her chest. Her heart hammered wildly beneath his fingers.
“Someone have a good time?” His voice rang with the amused satisfaction of a male confident he’d done his woman right. And he was not about to apologize for it.
“Great goddess!” She reached up to run her fingertips lightly across his lips in wonder. “Ya think?”
“Glad to hear it, sweetness.” He kissed her palm. “Because that makes two of us.”
He stretched out beside her on the blanket, his arm curved around her shoulders, shifting her back against him. His erection remained harder than titanium. Her bare, bodacious ass inched a little too close to his throbbing cock, and he adjusted their position again, kissing her nape, the curve of her shoulder, the tip of her ear. Her little black cocktail dress was going to be in total ruins before their date was done.
“So how do you think our one-night stand is going so far, baby?”
She struggled to sit up, first twisting the tangled dress over her head and flinging it to the grass, then beginning to tear at the blindfold. He snatched her hand away, bringing her fingers to his lips.
“Not yet, Lil.”
“Why not?” Above the fold of the blindfold, her brow wrinkled with confusion. “I want to see you. I want to look into the eyes of the man who just took me to paradise.”
She touched him gingerly, but he sensed her change in attitude, the subtle possession in the way she patted him up and down before finally reaching his face. His now naked temptress would drive him to distraction, his balls aching, his pulsing cock long past the point of pain.
She molded his features, cupped his jaw. “And not the emergency room.”
“Not a paramedic in sight.”
“Then why not?”
“Madame Eve’s instructions were to leave the blindfold in place—at least until the first fu—um, the first time we made love.”
“You don’t consider what just happened a fuck?” Her voice rose.
The blindfold thing worked both ways. At that moment, he wanted badly to see her eyes, to see what she was thinking, and feeling.
“You know, Camp, our prom night was one of the best nights of my life…until I hurt you.�
�� Disappointment edged her tone. “But even that night, good as we were together, much as I loved making love with you, I didn’t have an experience like what you just gave me.”
She groped around the grass for a blanket, as if suddenly too aware of her vulnerability and wanting to swathe her nude body. “And maybe I’ve tried to steer clear of mortals since then, but I haven’t been totally celibate.” Her smile had vanished and her lower lip trembled, but he couldn’t determine whether sorrow or anger animated her words. “I’ve fucked the occasional incubus from time to time. That’s right. I’ve had incubi cock inside me, masters of carnality pounding away for all they were worth, and not one of them has ever brought me to an orgasm like that.”
Snatching at the blindfold, she tore it away and flung it to the ground. “Men and their freakin’ dicks.” She snorted ruefully. “It’s not always the be all and end all.”
He stared at her. She stared back. Her gaze devoured each inch of him, taking in every minute molecule, as if she were a forensic scientist. Or a woman who had not seen a man in ten years’ time. A man who had brought her to blissful orgasm. Her eyes warmed. But her words swarmed over him, stinging like buzzing bees. Only part of what she said sunk in.
“Mortals?” His jaw dropped. “Incubi cock?”
She sank to the grass, wrapped in the blanket, and drew her knees up, circling them with her arms. “I’m a succubus. I need to have sex. Lots of it. Or my electrolytes get unbalanced and everything goes haywire. I begin to fade away.
“I think that’s what happened to you on prom night. It was my first time and I had a lot of stuff stored up. I was too hormonally out of whack, and I didn’t know what I was doing. I didn’t know how to control my impulses. I fed everything into you.
“Goddess. You’ve turned into one freakin’ gorgeous hunk of manhood.” She rested her head on her arms and sighed. “So now that I’ve thoroughly disgusted you and ruined our date, you may as well take me home. I think the one-night stand is over.”
He approached her and sank down on his knees. “The one-night stand might be over, sweetness. But we aren’t.”
She arched an eyebrow. Hope and hesitation bloomed in her blue eyes, glowing under the moonlight, filled with unshed tears. “What are you saying, Camp?”
“I don’t care who or what you are, Lily Night. Except that you were once my best friend. And I grieved for you when you were gone from my life. When I woke from the coma, weird things were happening to me. I wanted—needed—you to talk to. But you were gone. That devastated me as nothing else ever has. Despite all my successes, the last ten years have been empty without you.”
Without giving him any warning, she leaped into his arms, and he tumbled backward onto the air mattress, taking her with him.
“Do you mean it?”
“What do you think?”
She nudged her forehead against his. “I’m so afraid I will hurt you again.”
“You can’t.”
“Oh, I can’t, huh?”
“No. And you may not think much of incubi cock, but I definitely heard you begging for mine. Screaming for it. And I mean to give it to you.” He shot her a devilish, self-satisfied grin. “I don’t mean to boast but…I’ve also changed a little since the last time we were together.”
She straddled him, poking him in the side and then rubbing her knuckles with an indignant huff. “I don’t mean to scoff but….” She blew him a rude and noisy raspberry. “Was there lightning when I came?”
His grin widened. “My lightning.” He reached lazily for the string of condoms he’d unfurled earlier and separated one square, ripping the foil with his teeth. “And my turn, baby. Did I happen to mention I can go all night?”
Chapter Four
When he thrust into her, joining their bodies at last, lightning crackled across the blue-black sky. His. Theirs. Mostly his.
Clearly his own freaking electrolytes were unbalanced. Only Lily could do that to him. Power surged through him. He couldn’t tear open condoms fast enough. And his arousal didn’t quit.
Starlight scattered over them, suffusing them with a magical glow. His heart roared, and he melded his soul to hers, as well as their flesh. The sex was unrestrained, elated and joyous. Unsurpassed bliss held him in a warm and golden bubble, outside of which nothing else existed. Not stars, not moonlight, not the lightning that streaked across the inky blue expanse of sky like a fireworks display. Nothing but Lily Night, the long-lost love of his life. Found.
They were still going strong when the sky turned gray with the first glimmers of dawn, the sun peeking over the horizon with a fiery flash of red.
The ground around them was littered with foil wrappers.
Campbell wrapped her in his arms, tucking her head beneath his chin, gently stroking her silver-gold hair.
“I love you, Lily flower.”
“I got that impression.” Her drowsy voice was tinged with amusement.
“No, I mean I cherish you. I’ll never have enough of sex with you, but….”
Her fingers encircled his cock. He instantly grew hard again.
She snorted. “Like I said.” Her hand glided up and down his shaft, not trying to further arouse him, but with fondness and affection, as if she’d decided she owned that particular part of him. If not yet the rest of him.
“Okay.” He rolled her over and stood up, snatching her hand. “Come on. I want you to see something.”
Without allowing her to grab a blanket or any clothing to cover herself, he guided her across the deserted football field and beyond, to a jut of land that overlooked the Hudson River.
They stood naked and gazed out over the shimmering water. The sun rose, lightening the ashy sky, rolling streaks of rose and orange and gold through the dawn. “Do you think I’m an incubus now? Aside from the erections that don’t quit, I’ve got superhuman strength and a weird affinity for electricity. That lightning last night? Awesome display every time I came. Definitely mine.”
“Well, some of it, anyway.” Lily laughed. “You weren’t exactly out here on your own, big guy.” She shrugged. “We can have you checked out by the Night family doctor, I guess.”
“Maybe a good idea.”
“Maybe.” She sighed and stroked his arm. “I don’t know what you are, Campbell Jones. Except that you’re the man I love. The man I’ve always loved.”
“Now we’re getting somewhere.” He grinned and placed his hands on her shoulders, turning her a bit, so she could see their old high school at the distant other end of the football field.
“That’s where we’re putting in the new By Jones development. But this,” he gestured to the rise on which they were standing, with its stunning view of the river and palisades, “this is where I want to build my house. Our house.” He dropped to a knee on the grass. “Say you’ll marry me, Lily Night. I want to live with you here forever. I’d walk through fire and lightning for you, baby.”
“Or even an emergency room?”
“That, too.”
She dropped to her knees as well and wrapped her arms around his waist. She glanced back over her shoulder at the air mattress where they’d made love all night long and then winked at him.
“Well, hell, Campbell Jones. How can I possibly say ‘no’ to a proposal like that? We’ve already christened our new back yard.”
Taryn Kincaid lives in the spooky, historic, scenic Hudson Valley, where things sometimes go bump in the night. She wrote her first story, The Weatherman’s Revenge, in elementary school, and still has the fully illustrated construction paper to prove it. The tale had something to do with clouds and the Itsy Bitsy spider. Heroic astronauts saved the day. She is the author of Healing Hearts, a Regency romance; and Sleepy Hollow Dreams, an erotic romance, both available wherever e-books are sold. Drop by and visit her at Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads and http://dreamvoyagers.blogspot.com.
She loves hearing from you!
Other 1Night Stand Stories To E
One More Night by Wendy Zwaduk
Three years ago, Jenna ran away from what should have been the best night of her life. Letting her fear and shame get in the way of true happiness has haunted her ever since. It’s time to move on and put the past behind her. A date through the 1Night Stand service is the perfect opportunity to start living life again.
When the love of his life slipped through his fingers, Drake hated to let her go. A near-death accident prevented him from going after her. But after three years of recovery and waiting, he’s ready to take back what’s his, and he’ll do whatever it takes to keep her from running again.
Can Madame Eve work a miracle or will love lose out to pride and fear?
Rebirth by Rebecca Royce
Carly Penn is thrilled when her older brother, Joe, marries her dear friend, Kaylee, with the help of the 1Night Stand service. Now, looking for a final bout of passion to carry her through as terminal cancer steals her life, she’s turned to Madame Eve for herself. She doesn’t expect a happy ending, just a single night to remember as she faces the end of her days.
Vampire Agoston Barabás was forced to watch his true love, Dorika, murdered two hundred earlier, and clings to her dying promise to return to him. He takes one night at a time, never loving or becoming involved with another as he waits for his lover to find him. When he meets his date from 1Night Stand, he’s shocked to discover she carries the soul of his Dorika and the heart of a woman he could love.
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